Monday, September 29, 2008

My new best friend

My new best friend. My cousin sent me this in the mail the other day and thank heavens it was just in time. Since my belly has begun to stretch this belly butter has become my new best friend. Although many people say there is no research to support it working I am at least going to try. Day and night I rub this butter all over my belly and my sides. Oh yeah so fun to constantly smell like cocoa butter. The thing I like about Mama Bee is that the cocoa butter is not quite as strong as the other I have. Please please pray it works like it says. :) I will let you know as time moves along. (and my waistline)


Blogger Amy said...

Good luck with that one girlie! Another friend of mine said buying vitamin E gel caplets and breaking them open and rubbing it right onto your belly works too. One of the books I read said that no matter what you try, your disposition to stretch marks is hereditary...but you go girl and keep trying!!

2:14 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Yeah the things I have read said that they had no proof it worked either but i thought better to try and fail than to not try and most definitely fail. lol, the mama bee belly butter has cocoa butter and vitamin e, so hopefully that works extra well. hehe

3:35 PM  

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