Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Yes that is right folks Thaddeus and I saw a sneak peak of Mission Impossible 3 tonite and it was great. I really thought it was a good action packed movie and get this hardly any swearing and no sex. That's a change for a mainstream Hollywood movie-finallly! Anywho I definitely recommend it, I was very entertained and the movie had action scene after action sccene(kept me on the edge of my seat). Thaddeus's test went well and I got some great stuff shopping today. Thaddeus's next test is Friday. One down three to go -he is excited to be done with his first year.


Blogger melissa o said...

Oh my GOSH - I can't believe that the first year of Law School is almost done for Thad. THAT'S INCREDIBLE!

Yeah for MI3 and shopping!

Hey - was that gift delivered to you?

8:36 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

I still haven't received anything maybe today?

10:04 AM  
Blogger melissa o said...


I am going to call them. They said it would be delivered by the weekend.

I'm sorry that your b-day is LATE!

11:29 AM  

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